Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Common Cold Remedies

There is no actual proven way to cure a common cold, however, common colds are treatable. Here are a few home remedies to use in treating a common cold - Drink warm liquids such as warm tea with ginger or any herb fragment to settle the stomach, hot bowl of soup that will soothe the throat and loosen the mucus membrane and keep it moist. Using a humidifier or a kettle to keep the air moist. Inhaling the vapor from a hot bath or shower will also help clear the nasal passages and it is relaxing as well.

"Green Proof Your Environment"

Monday, November 2, 2009

Chemical-Free Cleaning Products

Cleaning your home or office can be a health hazards when using cleaning products that contains toxic chemicals. We don't think about the chemicals that are in our food, skin and hair care products that will affect our health in the long run. Now is the time to be serious and concerned about your health and physical well-being. For more information on green products and business opportunities click on the link below and go to CONTACT US and complete the questionnaire.